Автор: yamalweb

  • Best Next.js docker-compose hot-reload production-ready Docker setup

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    https://medium.com/@elifront/best-next-js-docker-compose-hot-reload-production-ready-docker-setup-28a9125ba1dc As I was putting together my Dockerfile & docker-compose for my startup’s frontend, I found a lack of quality solutions that were both production-ready and have hot reload when in dev. There were solutions that had hot-reload, but they were not production ready. There were also great production Dockerfiles, but they weren’t built with…

  • Hot reloading Next.js with Docker in development

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    Using Docker may seem like overkill for a local Next.js project, and indeed, perhaps it is. However there as some unique requirements to get hot reloading working in a Docker development environment which are worthy of note. I hope this configuration will be useful either in isolation, or when integrating a Next.js app into a…

  • Host multiple websites with HTTPS on a single server

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    Let’s see how to: Prerequisites— Several websites run inside Docker containers on a single server. (Each one could either be a static files server, or WordPress running on Apache or combination of a Node.js app and a reverse-proxy like in my previous article).— The domain name for each website is configured to point to the IP…